Welcome to ".商标" (dot Trademark) registry !

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Does owning a trademark mean owning the right of a ".商标"?

Trademark registration is subject to application filings in different countries or regions on different goods under different classes. Upon successful registration of a trademark, protection on the exclusive right to such trademark is limited to the country or region where it was registered and its registered goods. No protection will be extended outside of such country and region and beyond the registered goods.

As the Internet is without borders, the ".商标" is a new representation form of trademark rights on the Internet, eligible an independent rights worldwide. ".商标" follows the principle of "first come, first served", neither limited by territory, country, and 45-class industries of offline trademarks, nor besieged by trademarks of the same name. Once successfully registered, the registrant will be the exclusive holder of such “.商标”in the world entitled to the exclusive right to use such “.商标” worldwide and protected by applicable law.

In registering a ".商标", the applicant should file an application with the Domain Name Registry of ".商标". After successful registration, the applicant may have the right related to the registered ".商标". The applicant who has the trademark without registering ".商标" will lose its right related to a ".商标".

As a distinctive and identifiable sign of online trademark for distinguishing goods, services, or the sources of specific individuals, enterprises or organizations related to such goods or services from others, ".商标" of the same name as trademark will speed up the representation of trademark right and manifest the same in a more direct way, which is an extension, expansion and the best protection of trademark right on the Internet. The practicability of ".商标" and value of brand as intangible assets will increase with increasing application of, and reliance on, the Internet by all trades.